Chef Cyndie Story and the K-12 Team have a passion for bringing Kids, Food, and Fun together in a way that makes sense for families, schools, and communities. With over 100 years of combined experience working with school nutrition operations, Chef Cyndie’ s expert team knows what it is like to implement successful healthy eating initiatives for children and manage change with staff. With solid academic credentials in nutrition, culinary arts, and foodservice, Culinary Solutions develops research-based educational programs, evaluates initiatives, and designs adult education opportunities.
The White House recognized Chef Cyndie, Chef Garrett, and Chef Carlin with a Champion of Change award in 2011 for their no-nonsense, balanced approach to nutrition and dedication to educating school nutrition professionals. Chef Garrett Berdan’s experience with Chefs Move to School is featured in First Lady Michelle Obama’s latest book American Grown. Chef Garrett Berdan received the Oregon Outstanding Dietitian of the Year award in 2015. Cathy Strohbehn, PhD, RD, CP-FS, was awarded the International Educator of the Year in 2010 by the National Sanitation Foundation.
Never boring, always engaging. Chef Cyndie and the K-12 Team provide fun and informative hands-on and demonstration-style quantity & quality food production classes, food safety consultations and education; teach the leader course development, as well as custom training video productions. The Culinary Solutions Team truly inspires and motivates nutrition staff to try new recipes, encourage children to select fruits and vegetables, and make healthy lifestyle changes for themselves.